RMM Help

To get access to the CRLS ordering website, you will need to be entered into the RMM system.

To request to be entered into the system, send an email request to rmmhelp@unm.edu. Your request email should contain the following information:

  1. Your name, phone number, preferred email, and UNM netid
  2. The index code(s) you will use when placing orders
  3. The lab location(s) you will be purchasing for

You will receive an email from the system (FromRMMDoNotReply@JAGGAER.com) with a temporary password.

There are 2 ways to get access, directly to RMM (Research Materials Management) or through the Lobomart punchout. 

RMM Direct Access: 

You can access RMM with your NetID and the temporary password through this link:  https://rmm.jaggaer.com/uonewmexico/erd-client/app/login/

Your password can be changed in your user preferences (person icon in the upper right corner). 

RMM Access through LoboMart: 

CURRENT USERS to LoboMart will not need to update their roles unless requested by their supervisor. Access to RMM is still required and is located under Punch-out.

NEW USERS: Request access by submitting a Banner Authorization Request (BAR). When placing the BAR requests, the business purpose will need to be clearly stated as there are two different role processes to complete purchases from the new CRLS internal catalog.

Department Purchase Requisitioner
This gives users the access to create purchase requisitions and P-Card transactions in LoboMart.

Department LoboMart Shopper
This role gives users the access to create shopping carts in LoboMart and assign them to a person in the department with the Department Purchase Requisitioner role for submission.

Users will determine the appropriate role needed with their immediate supervisor based on individual department needs. If you have never submitted a Banner Authorization Request (BAR) you may be required to take the EOD online course Securing Private Data. Training requirements specific to each role can be found next to the role description on the BAR website as well.

Walk–ins welcome: Monday – Friday 8:00AM to 12:00 PM & 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

We are located in Clark Hall, south entrance. 

As a courtesy, if you need to place an order and access to RMM is pending please contact CRLS 277-5109 for assistance.

For access and troubleshooting help, send requests to RMM Help rmmhelp@unm.edu